I heard some of you wanted more homework 😂
Here’s a new screen with some oldies but goodies. Webby’s Deja Voodoo @MarketSmith Screen.
I heard some of you wanted more homework 😂
Here’s a new screen with some oldies but goodies. Webby’s Deja Voodoo @MarketSmith Screen.
The following three charts are based on @mwebster1971‘s Weekend Stock Market Update, The Raging Bull Rests.
The first chart focuses on the daily activity as well as a summary of the moving averages at the close of the week.
Following are three charts that you can use as a visual reference for @mwebster1971‘s Weekend Stock Market Update for the week of 5/18/2020.
The first chart shows the 30,000 foot view of the week’s activity. I’ve highlighted the chart with colors to emulate a candlestick look on top of a 5-minute chart.
I recently used a pullback followed by an upside reversal to buy shares in two stocks. One of the buys was within a base, which I used as an early entry. The second was a buy to add to an existing position.
It’s worth noting, I am not recommending either stock. My intention is to show how I used a pullback and reversal for two past trades.
Continue readingWith lots of downside reversals in great leading stocks…some may need to pause and catch their breath.
Here’s where the rotation went…do some homework. Webby’s Them Changes @MarketSmith screen.
Hey, I’ve been asked to build a screen-based of the FASTEST sales growth stocks. Here you go! I hope you dig it! @MarketSmith @IBDinvestors
Below is a post analysis of my recent trade of Mastercard (MA). All the details of the trade are shown in the chart.
Continue readingBono called, @U2 -“Hey Webby, dude, I had a great B-day!
It was a really beautiful day, but I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…can you build me a cool @MarketSmith screen?”
Webby “Ok, but don’t buy extended or you’ll get Vertigo”
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