I heard some of you wanted more homework 😂
Here’s a new screen with some oldies but goodies. Webby’s Deja Voodoo @MarketSmith Screen.
I heard some of you wanted more homework 😂
Here’s a new screen with some oldies but goodies. Webby’s Deja Voodoo @MarketSmith Screen.
The following three charts are based on @mwebster1971‘s Weekend Stock Market Update, The Raging Bull Rests.
The first chart focuses on the daily activity as well as a summary of the moving averages at the close of the week.
Following are three charts that you can use as a visual reference for @mwebster1971‘s Weekend Stock Market Update for the week of 5/18/2020.
The first chart shows the 30,000 foot view of the week’s activity. I’ve highlighted the chart with colors to emulate a candlestick look on top of a 5-minute chart.
I recently used a pullback followed by an upside reversal to buy shares in two stocks. One of the buys was within a base, which I used as an early entry. The second was a buy to add to an existing position.
It’s worth noting, I am not recommending either stock. My intention is to show how I used a pullback and reversal for two past trades.
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